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The application for the January 2025 cohort is now open. Final deadline is August 19.

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Road markings reading "Old Way" and "New Way" with arrows pointing in opposite directions.
May 1, 2024
The Online Leadership and Innovation EdD from NYU Steinhardt isn't just for educators. Leaders from all sectors benefit from this cross-disciplinary advanced degree program.
Aerial shot of Washington Square Park, the public space around which New York University campus is located.
April 18, 2024
Effective leadership is crucial to navigating uncertainty. An online EdD at NYU Steinhardt helps aspiring leaders strengthen the skills and knowledge needed to promote positive change.
EdD students network during a program event.
April 12, 2024
The online EdD in Leadership and Innovation at NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development serves a diverse range of seasoned cross-sector professionals.
An online EdD candidate participates in a videoconference call.
April 10, 2024
The NYU Steinhardt EdD in Leadership and Innovation centers around the Problem of Practice, a capstone project in which students confront real-world challenges in their organizations.
EdD students work on a project during the residency
October 21, 2020
Our EdD in Leadership and Innovation students describe the cohort experience and how it complements their professional learning community.
Felipe Henao is the executive director of student life, health, and wellness at Mercy College.
December 11, 2019
Felipe Henao is the executive director of student life, health, and wellness at Mercy College. He has recently secured an AmeriCorp Vista grant to implement campus-wide food pantries to address food insecurity in the college community. As an enrolled student in the EdD in Leadership and Innovation program, he is pursuing research that looks at […]
Dr. Lisette Nieves at SXSW EDU
March 28, 2019
What does it mean to lead with a cross-sector lens? And how can this make a difference for leaders across industries? This is precisely what Dr. Lisette Nieves recently discussed during a session at SXSW EDU. Dr. Nieves is the clinical professor and program director of the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program at NYU […]
A book with a graphic that represents sound
November 19, 2018
By Dr. Lisette Nieves Why are learning and working so often treated as mutually exclusive? As if to do one, or do it well, we must make a trade-off with the other? That formulation suggests that learning happens in a vacuum. In reality, we work, but we also want to enrich our organizations, knowledge, leadership, and […]
Half a violin with a conductor as the 2nd half
October 11, 2018
By Dr. Noel Anderson This past summer, an Afro-Cuban jazz musician taught a pilot class at NYU Steinhardt about leadership and culture. At one point he asked the students, “Whom do you think leads an orchestra?” Students were practically unanimous. “The conductor!” several of them called out. “No,” said the musician. “It’s the first violinist.” What […]
EdD students work on a project during the residency
September 20, 2018
By Dr. Noel S. Anderson Leaders and managers in today’s professional spaces are finding that a radically changing landscape demands from them new and more dynamic competencies. For example, suppose you’re an organizational leader who needs to create and implement a marketing strategy to contend with tougher competition, yet marketing was not part of the original […]
A woman looking in a mirror
August 30, 2018
By Dr. Lisette Nieves One of the required courses in the new NYU Steinhardt EdD program is Autoethnography. In creating and writing your ethnography, you focus on yourself. You answer fundamental questions about yourself. What message has your personal narrative conveyed to people – and you – up to now? You might wonder why we include – indeed, require – such a course. The […]