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Ethan Youngerman

FACULTY | Ethan W. Youngerman

Ethan W. Youngerman

Clinical Faculty, Capstone Advisor

Ethan Youngerman is a Clinical Associate Professor in NYU’s Expository Writing Program, where he has taught for twenty years. His research, which incorporates quantitative and qualitative methodologies, focuses on integrative learning as an undergraduate outcome and experience. His work has been published in Research in Higher Education, AERA Open, Innovative Higher Education, New Directions for Higher Education: Applied Learning in Higher Education, The Journal of Experimental Education, Learning Communities Research and Practice, and the most recent edition of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education.

He’s been a member of the research team for the Assessment of Collegiate Residential Environments and Outcomes (ACREO), a national study, since its launch in 2014. He holds an EdD in Higher Education and an MFA in Dramatic Writing, both from NYU.