Founding faculty

Noel Anderson

Noel S. Anderson

Program Founder; Clinical Professor, NYU Steinhardt

“We want students to have a collaborative experience in which they ignite a transformation in education from across sectors.”

Dr. Noel S. Anderson currently holds the positions of Steinhardt Director of Leadership and Innovation and Clinical Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. He is responsible for leading and growing the Steinhardt EdD in Leadership and Innovation, Executive Education Leadership programs, and other innovation initiatives within NYU’s global network.

For over 25 years, Noel S. Anderson has served in a variety of leadership positions in the public and private sectors. He has led in large public school districts, higher education institutions, and national non-profit organizations. Prior to NYU, Noel was National Senior Program Director (Chief Program Officer) for Year Up, Inc., a national workforce and education organization that develops young people for internships and job placement in Fortune 500 companies and was responsible for overseeing program development, innovation, and quality for a growing network of over 15 cities across the United States, serving over 3,000 young adults yearly. He also served as interim executive director for Year Up, New York, Year Up’s largest market, directing corporate partnerships, fundraising, leading a staff of 40, and managing a budget of $8 million.

Before leading at Year Up, Noel was a tenured associate professor and interim chairperson in the Department of Political Science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. His academic research focuses on career and post-secondary pathways for low-income youth and race and equity in education. Much of his research integrates the capabilities approach (a theory developed by Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize winner in welfare economics) to education and equity, one of only a handful of U.S. scholars applying this complex methodology to education.

Noel has taught and lectured around the world. He was visiting professor of politics at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and has shared his research widely in Europe and South Africa on “disconnected youth” (those not working or in school).

Noel has authored and edited numerous scholarly articles and books on urban education, youth development, and youth labor markets, emphasizing youth voice. His most recent co-authored book is Working to Learn: Disrupting the Divide between College and Career Pathways for Young People (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2020), which blends research, policy analysis, and assessments from professional practice to examine how young people navigate and integrate the worlds of work and school in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.

Noel has earned over a dozen awards and fellowships. Recently he was a Presidio Institute Cross-Sector Leadership Fellow. He also received the prestigious Whitney M. Young, Jr. Education Leadership Award from the National Urban League for developing “Project Ready,” NUL’s signature college access program. He served on United States President Joseph Biden’s Education Policy Committee, lending his expertise to inform the campaign’s national platform on career readiness.

View Dr. Anderson’s full CV.

Lisette Nieves

Lisette Nieves

Program Founder; President of the Fund for the City of New York

“We want students who are passionate about learning and want to apply a scholarly lens to their practice.”

Lisette Nieves is currently the President of the Fund for the City of New York (FCNY), an institution charged with developing and helping to implement innovations in policy, programs, practices and technology in order to advance the functioning of government and nonprofit organizations in New York City and beyond. Key FCNY programs include the Cash Flow Loan Program that has lent over a billion dollars in interest-free loans over the last twenty years and the Partnership Program which provides back-office support and capacity to 80 diverse nonprofit organizations. Also, FCNY hosts the Community Fellows Program and selects the annual Sloan Public Service Awards and Sloan Math and Science Teaching Awards.

Prior to the Fund Lisette was the Director of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and a Full Clinical Professor at NYU Steinhardt where she co-led the design and implementation of a new doctoral program in Leadership and Innovation. Lisette is also a Distinguished Clinical Instructor with NYU, overseeing doctoral students and supporting research initiatives. Lisette holds a B.A. from Brooklyn College, a B.A./M.A. from the University of Oxford, an M.P.A. from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, and a doctorate with distinction in Higher Education Management at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a Truman Scholar, Rhodes Scholar, Aspen Pahara Fellow, and a Richard P. Nathan Public Policy Fellow.

For over 25 years, Lisette has served in a variety of cross-sector leadership positions. She is an experienced social entrepreneur, public sector leader, and scholar. Lisette founded Lingo Ventures, which is focused on growth, talent recruitment/retention, and change management. Lisette served as the Belle Zeller Distinguished Visiting Professor in Public Policy at the City University of New York at Brooklyn College. Lisette has also held senior leadership positions in the municipal and federal government. She also served as an Obama appointee on the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, where she co-chaired the higher education subcommittee and supported the production of two reports and convenings.

Lisette also served as the founding Executive Director of Year Up NY, an innovative workforce development program, wherein the span of five years she grew the organization from a $250,000 seed grant to a $6 million operation with over 20 corporate partnerships. Her interest in the workforce and education led to her dissertation on the relationship between student work and school roles, for which she received the 2016 Dissertation of the Year Award by the (NCSD – AACC). Her areas of interest include community colleges, college pathways, workforce and education partnerships which are all represented in her co-authored new book:

Working to Learn: Disrupting the Divide between College and Career Pathways for Young People

Her board affiliations include the Edwin Gould Foundation, The Education Trust, NewSchools Venture Fund, Jobs for the Future (JFF), Propel America, AmeriCorps Board (Presidential Appointee and Senate Confirmed) and Education for Seapower Advisory Board (Naval Secretary Appointee).

View Dr. Nieves’ full CV.


Rahesha Amon

Rahesha Amon

CEO, City Teaching Alliance

Courses: Leadership II

Nadia Bazzy

Nadia Bazzy

Director, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA), University of Michigan

Courses: Introduction to Doctoral Studies

Trish Beck

Trish Beck

Program Director; Assistant Clinical Professor, NYU Steinhardt

Courses: Management of Resources, Research Methods, Capstone

Liza Belzberg

Lisa Belzberg

Founder, PENCIL

Courses: Capstone

Aldrin Bonilla

Aldrin Bonilla

Executive Vice President, The Fund for the City of New York

Courses: Cross Sector Policy Analysis

Peggy Bradford

Peggy Bradford

Courses: Capstone

Kiran Handa Gaudioso

Kiran Handa Gaudioso

CEO, United Way of Northern New Jersey and President, United for ALICE

Courses: Partnerships for Leveraging Impact

Jennifer Hawkins

Jennifer Hawkins

Senior Advisor, Peace Corps

Courses: Organizational Theory

Keane Johnson

Keane Johnson

Partner & General Manager, Human Resources, Microsoft

Courses: Leadership I

Cesar Koirala

Cesar Koirala

Director, Responsible AI, UnitedHealth Group

Courses: Management and Ethics of Data

Ben Maddox

Ben Maddox

Chief Information Officer, Cornell University

Courses: Capstone

Richard Maloney

Richard Maloney

Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Performing Arts Administration graduate program, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Courses: Cross Sector Policy Analysis

Michael Miller

Michael Miller

Associate Dean at The City College of New York, The Spitzer School of Architecture

Courses: Research Method, Advanced Research Methods I and II/Survey Design

Teboho Moja

Teboho Moja

Clinical Professor of Higher Education, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Courses: Leadership II

Alexandra Morgan-Kisarale

Alexandra Morgan-Kisarale

Founder, Scale Dignity Studio

Courses: Management and Ethics of Data

Denise Nelson Nash

Denise Nelson Nash

Vice President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, President’s Office, Scripps College

Courses: How Do We Learn and Why Does It Matter?

Juel Nelson

Juel Nelson

Director of Leadership Development, The United Methodists of Greater New Jersey

Courses: Management of Resources

Madeline Pumariega

Madeline Pumariega

President, Miami Dade College

Courses: Leadership I

Fawziah Qadir

Fawziah Qadir

Term Assistant Professor, Barnard College

Courses: Advanced Research Methods I and II/Interviews and Survey Design

Gina Robertiello

Gina Robertiello

Clinical Assistant Professor, Quinnipiac University

Courses: Advanced Research Methods I and II/Interviews and Focus Groups

John Roth

John Roth

Vice President, Deputy General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Nassau Asset Management

Courses: Organizational Theory I, Capstone

Anju Rupchandani

Anju Rupchandani

Executive Director, Zone 126

Courses: Partnerships for Leveraging Impact

Gisele Shorter

Gisele Shorter

President and CEO, Nellie Mae Foundation and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Steinhardt Office of Leadership and Innovation

Courses: Capstone

Elisabela Alvarez Valls

Elisabela Alvarez Valls

Director Of Communications, Conchita Espinosa Academy

Courses: Organizational Change Innovation, Master Speaker Series

Anne Washington

Anne Washington

Assistant Professor of Data Policy at NYU Steinhardt

Courses: Management and Ethics of Data

Lucas De Ross Welter

Lucas De Ross Welter

Chief Organization Development and Strategy Officer, AFS Intercultural Programs

Courses: Organizational Change Innovation, Master Speaker Series

Ethan Youngerman

Ethan W. Youngerman

Director, Undergraduate Research at NYU

Courses: Capstone

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